Monday, July 7, 2008

The latest

I am so sorry I have not posted in a while...we have been really busy. The fourth...Our anniversary...a wedding...lots of fun! Another reason is our main computer is in the shop and that has all of our pics and stuff.
Some new things to report...Alana has a new big girl Dora the Explorer potty. She asked to go potty and went pee pee. She also have been working on our numbers as she loves to count things. If she is in the mood she can count all the way up to seven!!!! Yes, she is almost 18 months old!!!
Our little mooms has such a vocabulary is crazy to be talking to such a little peanut and understanding what she wants to say. She is definitly a wonderful little monster....yes a monster!!!! :-)
We went away for a Mommy & Daddy night for our anniversary and she was so unhappy about her first night away from us...she made it abundantly clear when we came back the next morning...tanrums up the wazooo!!!

Well, when I get the computer back I will post lots of pics from her first wedding she has ever attended and other pics of her latest antics.

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